Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's 11 AM

My list of things to do isn't so long today. It's just that they aren't very fun. I've always loved lists; they are so neat and the thoughts rumbling in your head are now out on paper. Therefore, they don't take up precious space and that space can be used for remembering how you didn't finish yesterday's to do list. Plus, there is always a satisfaction in putting a big slash through a task.

But I propose making fun lists. Like today, my list would be:
  1. Go to the fair and eat.
  2. Lay in the sunshine with my new book.  (I would read it as well)
  3. Cut some orange blossoms  by the window for my desk.
  4. Watch the synchronized Olympic diving
Good idea yes?


Katie @ Heart Gone Walking said...

I think it sounds like a perfect day. I'm with you on crossing items off a list. That's the only reason I create them.

Anonymous said...

I love this to do list.
But I didn't know we had an orange tree!

I've had a love-hate relationship with to-do lists. They're so seductive, promising you order, tranquility, and productivity, but then dashing you on their rocks of guilt below as they pile up.

But I honestly don't know of any other better solution.

Anonymous said...

Short and sweet, yet full of substance. That's my girl!
